Eminent Metropolitan Bishop Markos Vasilakis – Member

He was born in Chios in 1965. In 1988, he obtained his Bachelor’s degree from the Department of Literature of the Philosophical School of the National and Kapodestrian University of Athens. In 1998, he got his Bachelor’s Degree from the Department of Theological Studies. He had attended for three years a Mastery Inter-scientific of Byzantine Studies at the University of Athens, as well as Paleography lessons at the National Bank of Greece Cultural Foundation. From 1988 until 1993 he had been working as a literature master in the private sector.

In 1994 he was ordained deacon and in 2000 he was ordained priest. In 1999 he was assigned as a preacher of the Holy Metropolis of Chios. Ιn 2000, he was Assistant Secretary Chancellor, in 2003 he served as Second-in-line Secretary of the Holy Synod, in 2006 Primus Secretary of the Holy Synod and in 2010 Secretary Chancellor of the Holy Synod with the responsibility of the drafting, the amending and the literary editing of all the Holy Synod documents. He is also a Stated Member of the returning board of the Library of the Holy Synod, the Supreme Service Church Council and the Special Synodic Boards which concern: a) the cultural identity, b) the observation of European matters, and c) sports. He can speak English. He is a Member of the Greek Philologists’ Association, the Hellenic Theologists’ Association and the Literature Club “Parnassos”. He has participated as a speaker in International and Greek Conferences of theological, literature and historic interest, as well as in Church Missions both in Greece and above.

He has written books, studies and articles in newspapers and magazines. In 2001 he was appointed as a Literature teacher of Secondary Education and he has been approved by the Athens School of Philosophy to prepare his Ph.D. in Byzantine Literature. He has been honoured many times. After his recommendations, the Holy Synod has appointed Efstathios, Archbishop of Thessaloniki as a Protector of the Homer’s Studies. In 2011, he was ordained Eminent Metropolitan Bishop of Chios, Psara and Oinousses.

He has been a Member of the Scientific Council of the “Maria Tsakos” Foundation since 2012.